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More information to learn
in the product package,we will put a after-sale card,you will see that you can get,a free or gift card,or maybe there will be a QR code inside the package
please tell us your order ID,if your review has been passed as verified purchase (screenshot or link ),and send us the picture of the after-sale card ~for gift card with dollars,note down the order ID /gift card amount
order ID+review~for free gift (no need to note down)
make sure the right store, the right code, and select the code ,then choose the next step
make sure the buyers’ purchase is above fifty us dollars
the cash gift card is available within one month time
pay attention to the customer Information ,and maybe it’s transferred by other people,and it’s other people’s tester
when you reply the Email ,you have to mark the e-mail first ,then reply
if a customer comes to you with a gift card in side,the right step is
1.the first Email template
2.ask for the order ID and review
3.give the customer the code of the gift card,or the Free gifts
4.sound out the possibility whether the customer is willing to give a review with picture
if he is willing,he will be a tester,or you can choose a/b/c/d/e different items to test one by one
5.tell him the rules if he is interested
6.which items do you want to test? the hot selling, the stable one, the new one,needs to be tested as a gift
if the customer is asking me what do you want to get from me? just give him the product options to choose
if the customer didn’t post the review successfully ,ask him to post again
if the customer finished selecting the item,and try to ask him whether the original product works well,if the coupon ,if the gift card works well
gift card ~review,order ID,after-sale card~review effective~gift card coupon~interested to test~which one to test?~if willing to leave review with pictures~po rules~ place order~make payment~review~refund
gift card code,用一个,剪切一个
要gift card 的,要登记
就算客户的review被delete了,也要给free 产品code
客户购买产品A~A里面有after-sale card~是gift card or free gift~客户来了,如果要gift,卡里有不同的 free gift~跟客户要订单号和评价~评价生效,给礼物code~对test感兴趣~测什么,对哪个感兴趣~test他,是否愿意留带图片的review~po rules~place order&make payment~review,带着评价过来~refund
一个客户只能领取一次gift card ,一次gift
登记的都是要现金的,给他gift card之前,要看他的评价有没有effective;
7开头的订单是CA的,可以转给其他的colleague ;
第2单测评,标题标记second item;
不想测评,只要gift card的,让留评effective.后再来找我
用的礼品卡20,25 ,30 ,30,35 ,40,文字,带图片,带video,黑卡20,30
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