首页 网红营销 网红营销-要不要跟红人签推广合同?



Hey guys, how are you doing? Wish you all the best on Valentine’s Day.

Influencer Contract

Today, I am gonna share with you my experience when I collaborated with the influencers on the Youtube channel, this celebrity put a shoutout video in our paid video, that’s ridiculous, as she didn’t tell us first, and when I saw another brand’s sponsored ad in our paid video, I was surprised and this celebrity didn’t understand why I was surprised, omg, terrible!

So, it’s necessary to make a contract with the influencer if you decide to collab with them to avoid some unnecessary troubles, yes, necessary.

当你决定跟红人合作时,建议要有合同约束,条款约束,不然会给你的合作带来很大的麻烦,因为,他们有些人可能制作的视频不符合你的要求,甚至有些一直在拖延不交稿,而如果有一份具有法律效益的合同,这可以避免很多问题, so I think it’s necessary to learn how to make a contract.

Start a company?

The other thing today is that I talked with a boss of a startup company tonight, she told us how difficult it is to start a business, and she is working in the same industry as me, she is the organizer, you know their company is a cross border e-commerce company, totally 30 people, but there are 11 IT employees, and they collect datas very fast, but it still didn’t work well of their business, so I concluded some reasons why they can’t perform well.

1. 组织架构有问题: 一个跨境电商公司,业务导向的话,我认为懂业务运营的人需要多一点,而在30个人的团队中,有1/3的人是IT 人员,每天负责各种爬取竞争对手的数据,红人数据,等各种数据,而实际落实的运营动作,如果没有点运营思维的话,以及实际的落地动作,我们需要怎么做,做什么,这些具体操作如果不到位的话, you know, data is just a history, I know that in one company, there are 50 people, around 80% are sales, operators and marketing promotors, and this company made a good performance in the market.

2. 合适的红人渠道推广: you know at the beginning, you don’t know which way is suitable for you to promote your products, you have to try ins, Twitter, TikTok, youtube, and some other ways, but from our experience, youtube is still a good way to promote your products which can bring your brand exposure, traffic, and sales conversion, so, we suggest using youtube to promote your products.

3. 联盟开的渠道并不难:some companies want to do affiliate marketing, and they think it’s difficult to join in the affiliate platform, actually, it’s not, as we use ShareASale also, it’s easy to join in, and you only need to follow up the steps from the internet to register an affiliate account, then start your affiliate business, ShareASale is a recommended platform, you can have a try

4. 创始人最好在这个行业有一定的经验,正视当下的问题,及时解决: if you know nothing about this industry, and just start rashly, it will not be as easy as you thought, and you will meet a lot of problems and troubles, and if you are new in this industry, you will be puzzled and try to find a new business, but what you need to do is to solve your current issues and find out your company’s current problems and solve them one by one.

Above is what I want to share during tonight’s dinner with a startup boss.


Recently, I am reading a book called 《半小时漫画经济学》, and 其中的一篇消费心理学-Consumer psychology章节,我认为对做2C业务的人帮助比较大, below is the conclusion.

1. 心理账户-同样一条围巾,你自己不愿意掏钱给自己买,于是对你销售员无动于衷,而业务员说了一句:天冷了,买给你心爱的她,动了你的情感账户,贵一点,你也愿意给你的女神买,这是商家通常会用的营销方法,不要小瞧一句简单的文案啊。

2. 比例偏见-围巾那么多,到底该怎么选,都好贵,好难选,要不算了吧,老板见势甩出第二招,别选了,买这款,加1块,送帽子,一听有换购,你对这条500块的围巾立马产生了兴趣,简单说,是买一送一,但是,大家不喜欢算数值,喜欢算比例,这就是比例偏见,比如2件产品都在促销,一件100,一件20,促销都是原价基础上-10元,但是如果改成,100块打9折,20块打5折,大家会觉得5折比9折划得来,所以,针对低价产品,商家喜欢标折扣,针对高价产品,就标降价,都是为了让你觉得划算

3. 价格锚点-可是这围巾500块,还是觉得很贵,老板说,要不你看看这条,这条只要998,让他觉得500块真不贵,然后你一比较,觉得500块还是挺便宜的,而998那条,不是用来卖的,是用来让你比的,当然低价也可以作为锚点,大家一般不会选高的和低的,会选中间的。


5. 沉没成本-这个时候,你想多买几条,送给你心爱的爸妈,结果这是限量版,没现货,那生意是不是不做了呢,当然不是,老板跟你说,先交订金吧,明天给你送到,you know, 交了订金后,退货的概率会大大降低,因为人们做决定的时候,会惦记自己付出了多少,付出的越多,越不想放手。

Above is sth about 消费心理学, it should be useful in the B2C retail business.

Today, people ask about the 独立站运营人员每天的业务分工是什么样的,一般分为3大块,站外推广,站内运营,数据分析这几大块,这是一个团队每天都要做的事情, will share more details in the next article, see you, bye for now.

目前也建了DTC品牌独立站,网红营销,亚马逊以及Tiktok Shop的交流学习群都是纯卖家,非常活跃交流遇到的一些问题跟经验,欢迎添加微信:nanxipeng或者扫描下面二维码加入


作者: 出海指南

微信公众号:下班后8小时, 操盘孵化宠物,储能,3C等多个品牌从0-1,花过1亿+预算,百万美金众筹项目经验。擅长Google, Facebook 广告投放,联盟分销渠道以及网红/Deal等低成本获客






干货 | 网红营销的三大趋势!

所以让我们一起看看网红营销市场在 2023 年有哪些新趋势可以抓住机会






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