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How to Pitch Influencers,
a Before and After Example
下面是一个真实的 Influencer pitch 的案例。大家可以对比看看,从中有哪些可以借鉴到的地方。before 版本来自一家售卖泳装和配饰的品牌网站,而 after 版本是一位资深的海外内容营销专家Jay Baer修改的。
Influencer Pitch Before
Hi Natalie –
First of…the ladies at Swell wanted to send some love for your style blog…we may or may not use it for inspiration sometimes!
Just to introduce you to who we are:
Swell is a beach lifestyle boutique from Southern California. Although we do carry the larger surf brands, we like to keep the focus on more up-and-coming contemporary brands. We think our fans would really resonate with your style (especially now that you’ve become part of the Volcom community), and would love to work with you on a curated collection, sweepstakes, or maybe just sending over some product from the site. Swell has a large following, so it could be a great opportunity to gain some exposure on both sites.
Anyway, let me know what you think, or if you have any ideas/questions/etc.
Or if you’d rather, we’d love to send you some apparel from the site – just let us know what resonates with your style.
Thanks for your time!
首先… Swell 的女士们想要为你的时尚博客送上一些爱…有时候我们可能会从中汲取灵感!
Swell 是来自南加州的海滩生活方式精品店。虽然我们确实有大牌冲浪品牌的商品,但我们更喜欢把焦点放在更加新兴的当代品牌上。我们认为我们的粉丝们会非常认同你的风格(特别是现在你已经成为 Volcom 社区的一员),并且很想与你合作,共同打造一个精选系列、搞个抽奖活动,或者只是给你从网站上挑选一些商品。Swell 拥有大量的粉丝,所以这可能是一个在两个站点上获得曝光的好机会。
或者,如果你愿意,我们很乐意给你寄送一些网站上的服装 – 只要告诉我们你风格中最契合的服装即可。
Influencer Pitch After
Hi Natalie. I absolutely love your blog, especially the … I’ve got a limited opportunity for style bloggers that I’d like to run past you please.
I’m Nicole, the Community Manager for Swell.com, an online beach lifestyle boutique. We’ve been around for 10 years, and have an email list of more than one million customers. We carry the big brands like Billabong of course, but also up-and-coming brands, too.
Our team at Swell has selected our 9 favorite style bloggers, and of course you made the list. We’d like to send you 3 outfits from our Fall collection. Then after you’ve had a chance to check them out, we’d like to interview you on Skype about which one you like best and why, and then include that video on our Facebook page, where we have 61,000+ fans. It’s a great way to introduce a bunch of new people to.
We’d like to get the clothes out to you tomorrow, and schedule the video interview on .
Can I get your mailing address today please? Also, please let me know if you don’t want to be a part of this program. Thanks! I look forward to working with you.
这个修改后的影响者邀约更加具体,会夸大网红的优势,清晰地表述了邀约的好处,并提供了明确的期限和呼吁行动。此外还运用了Reverse psychology opt-out-反向心理学策略。
【Reverse psychology opt-out是指在劝说某人或机构时,采取使用反向心理学的手法,来达到相反的效果。在这段话中,作者可能是指在邮件中加入一些反向心理的手法,例如告诉接收者“如果您不想获得我们的邀请或者不认为您适合参与这个活动,请不要回复此邮件”,从而激起接收者的好奇心或想证明自己的欲望,反而让他们更有可能回复邮件并参与活动